Health Care Debate
Here are some facts to separate from fiction so all you conservative Nazi's listen up. Every one in America should have health care, it is good for all of us to get the care we need and not be swept aside by corporate America. The reason we don't have universal heath care is because health care companies pump billions into congress to lobby against it. They pretty much make there own rules and charge and raise there prices at leisure. The right wing conspirators will have you believe health care will lead to socialism, lol WOW that is a huge jump from getting the care that everyone needs to Marxism. What a crock of shit, stop spreading lies. Palin is running her big stupid mouth about death camps, this is totally absurd and not true. She is blatantly lying, don't we teach our kids not to lie its really bad, how come its so readily accepted from adults and in politics. Lets stick to the facts. Several groups and politicians claimed that the major health care bills in Congres...